THEORY OF VOLUME II – Bloody diaper [out now!]
Releasing 8/8/2024
Bloody stool
the beginning
Bloody Stool’s origin started without any musical instruments, songs, record executives, or any typical path that most bands take. Bloody Stool started in prison. Yes f-ing prison! The Florida State Prison – East Unit to be exact. Most people know of it as the Starke Prison, which makes no sense because it’s really located in Raiford. Regardless, it’s the end of the world. Not many bands can say that they have already lived in hell. Bloody Stool can!
first drop
All 6 current members of Bloody Stool did hard time in Starke, a complete shithole with its own death chamber. Nothing says death metal like living in a place with its own death chamber and knowing that lethal injections are just business at Starke. You have a lot of time in prison. Downtime. Depressing time. Suicidal thought time. Prison sucks. More than you can imagine. Music, as we all know, can help you escape and get through the bad times. It can save you. It can motivate you. It can help you endure through the hard times. Bloody Stool is now part of your life. We are now part of your family.
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